5 CSS Tips and Tricks to Try in Your Next Project Looking for inspiration on how to add a twist to your project design? Take a look at these 5 CSS techniques and have fun experimenting with some bold ideas! 1. Bring back the 90’s with the background-clip Have you ever wondered how to apply a gradient or a texture to the text in CSS? The good news is you can easily achieve that with the background-clip property! First, we need to apply the background color to our <h1> , then use the value text for the background-clip property and set the text color to transparent. < h1 class = "wordart" > The background is clipped to this text </ h1 > h1 { background-color: #ff1493; background-image: linear-gradient(319deg, #ff1493 0%, #0000ff 37%, #ff8c00 100%); } .wordart { -webkit-background-clip: text; color: transparent; } And voilà , the 90’ style WordArt is ready! 2. Crazy shapes with clip-path If you like to experiment with your ...
We all know that to change password in windows we need to enter the existing password and then we can proceed to enter the new password.However there is a trick to change password without knowing the existing password. This trick comes handy when the system is logged in and we have forgotten the password or to pull a prank on your friend(do it at your own risk) Step 1: Right click on computer and select manage Step 2: click on Local users and Groups and click on users. On the right pane you will see list of users. step 3: Right click on any user whose password you want to change and click on set password: step 4: click on proceed(Don’t worry about the message) step 5: Enter the new password step 6: Click on ok and your password will change. You can even use the same method to change HOMEGROUP password. (NOTE: This trick works on WIN 7, 8 , 8.1 ,10)