Detecting The User's Color Scheme Preference With CSS
you’re a developer, chances are that you use dark mode on your machine and code
editor. If not, what are you waiting for? Join the dark side!
apart, it is common nowadays to allow users to select a different theme when
visiting a website. Now you can do this with CSS only, not the theme selection
itself, for that you still need JS but with CSS you can now detect the user’s
machine color scheme (light or dark) and display the correct colors on your
website immediately.
do this we need to use the CSS variables. According to the website Can
I use, the “CSS variables” feature is available on 95% of the currently
used browsers around the world.
also need to use the prefers-color-scheme media query, which
according to Can I use is supported by about 90% of the currently
used browsers.
this article, I will show you how to use the CSS variables and the prefers-color-scheme to
setup the default colors of the website depending on the user’s preference,
then I will also show you how to toggle the themes using JavaScript.
First, we need to create a basic project, open your terminal and create a new directory somewhere in your machine
mkdir css-theme-detection-example
Navigate inside that directory
cd css-theme-detection-example
an HTML file
touch index.html
the following content
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<!-- CSS variables (theme) -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="variables.css" />
<!-- The page style -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
<title>CSS theme detection example</title>
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
<!-- Button that we will use to toggle the theme -->
<button id="toggle">Toggle theme</button>
<!-- JavaScript code -->
<script src="app.js"></script>
already added two CSS files and one JS file in the HTML so let’s create them
touch variables.css
touch style.css
touch app.js
Head into the variables.css file, we will now start defining the two colors palettes, add the following content
:root {
/* Light */
--light-palette-background: #ffffff;
--light-palette-text: #000000;
/* Dark */
--dark-palette-background: #000000;
--dark-palette-text: #ffffff;
The :root pseudo-class
represents the root element of the document, being the <html> tag.
It is useful to declare CSS variables globally.
now have two variables --[theme]-palette-background and --[theme]-palette-text for
each theme. The goal is to display a white background with black text when the
theme is light and the opposite when the theme is dark.
add the media queries to define the variables depending on the user OS/browser
theme, still in the same file, add the following content
/* If user's system preference is light or unknown */
@media (prefers-color-scheme: light) {
:root {
--palette-background: var(--light-palette-background);
--palette-text: var(--light-palette-text);
/* If user's system preference is dark */
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
:root {
--palette-background: var(--dark-palette-background);
--palette-text: var(--dark-palette-text);
created new variables --palette-background and --palette-text,
they will have a different value depending on the media queries.
update the page style to test it, add the following content in the style.css file
body {
background-color: var(--palette-background);
color: var(--palette-text);
can now open the website and you should see the theme matching your OS/browser
color scheme.
serve the website I use the serve Node.js library, which
requires you to have Node.js and
NPM installed. To use it, simply run
npx serve
you should be able to view the example at http://localhost:5000
you change your OS/browser color scheme then refresh the page, it should change
if the user has dark mode enabled on his OS but prefers to view the page in
light mode? Well, we can add a toggle button for that and override the default
we need to add some extra rules to the CSS, add the following at the end of
the variables.css file
/* If user specifically chose light theme */
:root[data-theme="light"] {
--palette-background: var(--light-palette-background);
--palette-text: var(--light-palette-text);
/* If user specifically chose dark theme */
:root[data-theme="dark"] {
--palette-background: var(--dark-palette-background);
--palette-text: var(--dark-palette-text);
just declared two new rules, basically if the <html> tag
has a data-theme attribute that is equal to light or dark then
we override the media queries, which is why it needs to come after in the CSS
we need some JavaScript to allow the user to change the theme by clicking on
the toggle button, add the following content to the app.js file
* Get the current theme from the HTML element if it has a "data-theme"
* attributes, otherwise try to find the theme using the "prefers-color-scheme"
* media query
* @returns {"light" | "dark"} "light" or "dark"
function getCurrentTheme() {
// Find the <html> element
const root = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0];
// Check if the <html> element has a "data-theme" attributes
if (root.hasAttribute("data-theme")) {
// Return the value of the "data-theme" attribute
return root.getAttribute("data-theme");
// If the <html> element does not have a "data-theme" attribute
// Use the "matchMedia" function to check if the "prefers-color-scheme"
// media query matches "dark"
const mediaQuery = window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)");
// If true, return "dark"
if (mediaQuery.matches === true) return "dark";
// Otherwise, return "light"
return "light";
// Self-executing function
(() => {
// Find the <html> element
const root = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0];
// Retrieve the theme toggle button
const toggleButton = document.getElementById("toggle");
// Add an onClick event on the theme toggle button
toggleButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
// Use the "getCurrentTheme" function to retrieve the current theme
const currentTheme = getCurrentTheme();
// Change the theme to the opposite by adding/changing
// the "data-theme" attribute on the <html> element
if (currentTheme === "dark") {
root.setAttribute("data-theme", "light");
} else {
root.setAttribute("data-theme", "dark");
added comments to the code so that you can understand what is going on. But to
summarize, I declared a getCurrentTheme function that will
retrieve the current theme either from the data-theme attribute
on the <html> element or using the media queries. Then
there is a self-executing function that will add the onClick event
on the toggle button.
it, we now have a working example! When the page loads it will display the
theme matching the user’s OS/browser preference and if the user prefers to
change the theme manually, they can use the toggle button.
you want to continue further, I have two little challenges that you should try
to solve to improve the theme experience:
- Challenge #1: Using the LocalStorage, save the user’s theme preference and change the theme accordingly when refreshing the page.
- Challenge #2: Using an
EventListener, try to automatically change the theme of your website when
changing your OS/Browser theme.
That’s where the guide ends, I hope it was helpful.
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