OnePlus said that although AOD is a much-requested feature, it could increase power consumption by up to 50 percent. OnePlus Watch may soon be getting the always-on display (AOD) feature through an over-the-air (OTA) update. OnePlus Watch made its debut two weeks ago, on March 23. The smartwatch is currently listed at an introductory price of Rs. 14,999 on the OnePlus India website. OnePlus has revealed in a blog that although AOD is a much-requested feature, it could increase the power consumption by up to 50 percent. OnePlus' first-ever smartwatch packs a lot of features including SpO2 monitoring, sedentary reminders, and rapid heart rate alerts. OnePlus Watch was launched alongside the company's latest flagship smartphones – the OnePlus 9 series. The company shared in a blog post late last month that the AOD feature was requested by many users. “We are currently looking at things like how it impacts power co...